
STreamline the Process. improve your brand.

Elevated Identity’s leadership team brings over 150 years of combined experience to your project. Client focused and committed to only the highest level of quality and craftmanship, we will work with you on every level of your project. From early concepts to managing install, you can trust that Elevated Identity will be your valued partner from the start.


We mesh your vision with our expertise to deliver a comprehensive package elevating your brand identity.

Introduce your brand

  • The cornerstone point is simply the service. Elevated Identity makes the process of signage simple for the ownership group and work in conjunction with architects and contractors to ensure the infrastructure is in place to install. I first began working with Elevated in Mid-2020 for signage for our R1VER campus. I had never worked on such an extensive signage project, and we requested bids from 4 signage companies. Elevated won a piece of the project and another company won another piece. I soon discovered why the owners of Elevated left their former company and opened their own company. I was buried in red tape and confusion with the other company while Mike Kinsella and his team at Elevated patiently answered all my questions in a clear manner, maintained design and construction standards and delivered it all at the quoted price. When things go wrong as they sometimes do, Elevated fixes the problem without trying to lay blame or make excuses. I now know far more than I ever thought I should or wanted to know about commercial signage but when the need arises, Elevated is my first call for R1VER (pronounced RIVER ONE) campus. I am confident you are in good hands with Elevated.

    Michelle Herro - Michels Corporation

  • "Having great partners, like elevated identity, is the key to succeeding, and they are a perfect example. Elevated Identity is always engaged every step of the way, helping us maximize exposure using great signage! Thanks EI Team!"

    David Marcus, Chairman - Marcus Corporation Foundation


brand forward. experience driven.